Nama : juliani safitri

kelas :xips4

Hi! welcome back to my blog, my name is Adel... Today we will discuss about recount text. First what is the definition of recount text? 

Recount text 

is a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. usually recount text tells of an event or experience that occurred in the past, for example, such as your experience on vacation or an experience you met your idol artist. The purpose of recount text is to entertain or inform the readers. 

Types of recount text  

- Personal recount : recount text which serves to tell about the author's personal experience. 

- Factual recount : recount text which serves to present reports of events that actually happened, such as reports on scientific experiments or police reports. 

- Imaginative recount : recount text which serves to present an imaginative story.  

Structure recount text  

- Orientation : tells about background information about who, where, when the incident or event occurred.    

- Events : tells an event that happened afterwards and is told in chronological order.  

- Reorientation : contains a summary or conclusion of all events. The section also contains an opinion or impression of the author of the events narrated 

Example of recount text :               

In 2016 my family and I met an artist named Kimberly   and we prayed for ideas together and greeted each other, the person was both not arrogant and friendly to people around me, we didn't have time to ask for photos because it was very busy and my family prayed in a very public place and usually visited by many people
